Deceased elector
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) maintains the electoral roll for South Australia. If your relative has died, their name will be removed from the electoral roll when the commission is:
- notified by a family member, or
- notified by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages (occurs on a monthly basis).
To request a relative's name be removed from the roll, complete the notification of a relative who has died form on the AEC's website.
Alternatively you can contact us on 1300 655 232 with the following information:
- the deceased person’s full name, date of death and last enrolled address.
You will also need to provide your name, enrolled address, relationship to the deceased and your contact phone number.
Elector with dementia
If your relative has dementia and they are no longer capable of understanding the nature and significance of enrolment and voting, you will need to complete the following form to remove their name from the electoral roll . The medical certificate on the form must be completed and signed by a registered medical practitioner.
Elector with incorrect or inaccurate details
A person can be removed from the roll if they are enrolled for an address that is not their principal place of residence. In most cases this is because they have changed their address and have not updated their details. If the AEC receives information that suggests a person should not be enrolled at a particular address, they must write to the person before taking any action in relation to their enrolment. If no response is received the AEC may then remove the person from the roll. This information may come from other government agencies.
An elector who is currently enrolled may also object to another person’s enrolment if they believe that person is not entitled to be enrolled.
Moving overseas
If you are moving overseas indefinitely or permanently you can request to have your name removed from the electoral roll. You will need to complete the overseas notification form on the AEC's website. Once the form has been submitted you will be sent a letter from the Australian Electoral Commission confirming your request to be unenrolled.