Update the mySA GOV app
You can set up the 'My State Election Details' credential that contains your unique QR code on your smartphone through the mySA GOV app (the same app you use for COVID-SAFE check ins).
You will need the most up-to-date version 1.7.9 or later of the mySA GOV app.
Download the most up-to-date version
Apple iOS
How to set up the election credential
Find out how to set up the 'My State Election Details' credential on the mySA GOV app.
State election guide - blind and low vision
When and where to vote
Polling day is Saturday 19 March 2022. Polling booths open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
You can also find your nearest early voting centre or polling booth and check accessibility ratings on the list. Accessibility ratings are also included on the back of your EasyVote card or on the My State Election tab on your MySA GOV app on your phone.
Don’t forget that voting is compulsory and that you can vote at any polling booth in South Australia on Saturday 19 March.
Can't vote on polling day?
If you can’t get to a polling booth on Saturday 19 March, you may be eligible to vote at an early voting centre or apply for a postal vote. Check your eligibility to vote early or by post using the following links:
Early voting
Early voting centres open across South Australia, interstate capital cities and at some overseas consulates and embassies from Monday 7 March until Friday 18 March 2022.
Voting dates and times vary so make sure you check the early voting page for details or phone us on 1300 655 232.
Postal voting
To vote by post, you first need to complete and lodge an application form. There are 3 ways you can obtain an official postal vote application:
- Download a postal vote application
- Pick one up from any Australia Post outlet
- Phone us on 1300 655 232 and we will send you one
Learn more about voting by post on our postal voting page.
EasyVote Card
In early March, South Australian voters will receive an EasyVote Card in the post.
The card features a unique QR code that can be scanned when you go to vote. This will instantly mark your name off the electoral roll, making your voting experience streamlined and faster.
The card also includes a list of your nearest polling booths on the back.
mySA GOV App
You can set up your unique QR code on your smartphone through the mySA GOV app (the same app you use for COVID-SAFE check-ins).
If you register via the app we will not send you an EasyVote Card in the mail, helping us reduce costs and environmental impact.
If you don't have the mySA GOV app you can download it from the App Store or Google Play.
If you forget
Don't worry if you forget to bring the card or your phone to the polling booth. You can still vote. We will mark your name off the electoral roll manually.How to make sure your vote counts:
When voting in the state election you will be given 2 ballot papers:
- a green ballot paper for the House of Assembly, and
- a white ballot paper for the Legislative Council.
Follow the instructions below to make sure your vote counts.
Green - The House of Assembly
On the green House of Assembly ballot paper, you must number every square in the order of your choice.
- Write the number 1 in the square next to the candidate who is your first choice.
- Write the number 2 next to your second choice.
- Continue by placing the numbers 3,4,5 and so on until you have a number in every square.
White - The Legislative Council
On the white ballot paper, you can vote in one of 2 ways, above the red line or below the red line - but not both.
Option 1:
Above the red line if you just want to vote for one or more parties or groups of candidates, vote above the red line by:
- Writing the number 1 in the square next to the party or group of candidates which is your first choice.
- If you want to, you can write the number 2 next to your second choice, and so on for as many parties or groups of candidates as you like. You do not need to number every square.
- Leave the rest of the ballot paper blank. Put nothing below the red line.
Option 2:
Below the red line if you want to decide your own preferences for individual candidates, vote below the red line by:
- Writing the number 1 in the square next to the candidate who is your first choice.
- Then continue by writing the numbers 2,3,4 and so on in the squares next to the other candidates in the order of your choice, until you have chosen at least 12 candidates.
- You can continue to number as many squares as you like, but remember you need to number at least 12 squares.
Keeping COVID-SAfe this election
ECSA is committed to delivering a COVID-SAfe election, and a number of measures are in place to help protect the safety of voters and election workers. This includes appointing dedicated hygiene officers at every voting centre to maintain hygiene standards and ensure safe queuing takes place.
Help us deliver a COVID-SAfe election
When you go to vote, follow these 7 steps for COVID-SAfe voting.
- COVID Safe check-in: Check in by scanning the QR code with your phone, or by writing your details on the paper contact register.
- Social distance: Keep 1.5 metres away from other people.
- Hand hygiene: Hand sanitiser is available at all voting centres.
- Wear a mask: Wearing masks is a condition of entry.
- Bring EasyVote card or register on the mySA Gov app: Having the EasyVote card or mySA Gov app will allow faster voter mark-off on the day.
- Unwell: If you are unwell do not enter the voting centre. Call us on 1300 655 232 to discuss your options.
- Pens or pencils: Bring your own pen or pencil to vote. Single-use pencils are available if you need one.
Information in other formats
- This guide is available in alternative formats, including Easy Read, audio and Auslan at ecsa.sa.gov.au.
- If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us using the National Relay Service.
- TTY users’ phone 133 677 and ask for 1300 655 232. Speak and listen users’ phone 1300 555 727 and quote 1300 655 232.
- Internet relay users connect to National Relay Service and then ask for 1300 655 232
Information in other languages
Translated versions of this guide can be found at ecsa.sa.gov.au/languages. If you need an interpreter, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask them to telephone the Electoral Commission SA on 1300 655 232.
Contact us
Phone: 1300 655 232
Postal voting
Council elections (local government)
Voting in council elections is conducted by post. All election materials, including your ballot papers, are automatically mailed directly to the postal address you provided on the electoral roll. It's important you keep your address details up to date.
Once nominations close for a council election (including a supplementary election), ballot papers are printed and postal ballot packs are sent to your nominated postal address. More information can be found on this website at the time of an election.
Parliamentary election postal voting
View postal voting eligibility criteria
You are eligible to vote by post if, on polling day, you:
- are more than 8 km from a polling booth
- are travelling
- are ill, infirm or disabled – preventing you from attending a polling booth
- are due to give birth shortly
- are caring for someone who is ill, infirm or disabled - preventing you from attending a polling booth
- have religious beliefs - preventing you from attending a polling booth
- are working and unable to leave your workplace to vote
- are a resident of a declared institution being a hospital, convalescent home, nursing home, home for the aged, hostel for the aged or infirm, prison or other places of confinement
- have your address suppressed on the electoral roll (a silent elector)
- are subject to a direction under the Emergency Management Act 2004 requiring you to quarantine or isolate during the hours of polling.
Permanent postal voting
ECSA maintains a register of voters who are permanently prevented from attending a polling booth at state elections and by-elections and meet certain criteria. These voters are called registered declaration voters for state elections and general postal voters for federal elections.
Once registered, ECSA will automatically send out a voting pack to you at every state election or by-election. You do not need to re-apply for future elections.
To apply to become a registered declaration voter you must be enrolled and meet one of the following criteria that prevent you from attending a polling place on polling day:
- Distance – you are enrolled at an address more than 20 km away from any polling place
- Illness – you are a patient at a hospital or nursing home and unable to travel to a polling place
- Infirmity – you are unable to travel to a polling place due to being infirm or seriously ill at home
- Caring for others – caring for a person who is seriously ill or infirm
- Physical disability – you are unable to sign your name due to a physical incapacity
- Religion – your religious beliefs or membership of a religious order prevent you from attending a polling place on polling day
- Overseas – you are registered as an overseas elector
- Silent elector – you are an elector whose address has been suppressed
Apply to become a permanent postal voter
To join the register of declaration voters, you need to complete and sign a form: Registered postal voter information and application form
This is an external link to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) which manages registrations for ECSA. Please note that the one form allows you to register both as a registered declaration voter for South Australian elections and as a general postal voter for federal elections.
For any questions about the register, call the AEC on 13 23 26.
COVID-19 management
The Electoral Commission SA (ECSA) is committed to ensuring all South Australians can vote in the 2022 State Election, including those affected by COVID.
If you are in isolation or quarantine, are a close contact or have developed COVID-19 symptoms, please see your voting options on our COVID affected voters page.
COVID safe voting in polling booths
View our video on how to stay COVID safe this election.
Protection measures in polling booths
The following key protection measures will be adopted in all polling booths to limit the spread of COVID-19 among voters and ECSA staff:
- mandatory masks
- social distancing
- hand sanitising stations
- queue management
- bring your own pencil or pen
- ensuring voting screens are a minimum of 1.5 metres apart
- frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces by a dedicated hygiene officer
- electoral officers fully vaccinated.
ECSA staff
- physical distancing guides to distance voters and ECSA staff when presenting to vote
- additional cleaning at polling booths
- frequent use of hand sanitiser
- procedures for a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 by ECSA staff
Please note that these conditions are subject to change based on directives from SA Health.
You can find the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 on the SA Health website.