A casual vacancy in the office of area councillor for the Adelaide Plains Council occurred on 5 October 2023 due to the resignation of Councillor John Lush. As the vacancy occurred within 12 months of the conclusion of the November 2022 periodic elections, it was filled by recounting the votes in accordance with section 6A of the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 (the Act) on 1 November 2023. Carmine Di Troia was the successful candidate.

In February 2024, the Electoral Commissioner filed two petitions in the Court of Disputed Returns after identifying an error in the settings of the computer software used to count votes in complex elections, which he considered affected the outcome of the election in the Adelaide Plains Council area and the recount conducted on 1 November 2023. As a result the Court ordered that a recount be conducted to fill the casual vacancy.

Please go to this linked page for final results.